Ryumeikan: A next-generation luxury hotel created with the spirit of harmony and Japanese furnishings

みよちゃん セインさん。今日の行先は「ホテル龍名館お茶の水本店」です。
Thayne-san, today we’re headed to the main branch of Hotel Ryumeikan in Ochanomizu.
セインさん 東都のれん会の加盟店には宿泊施設もあるんですね。驚きました。
I see. I didn’t know there was a hotel in the Toto Norenkai. That’s a surprise. And it’s only a few minutes from JR Ochanomizu Station, and the Awajicho, Ogawamachi and Shin-ochanomizu subway stations. What a great location!
ホテル龍名館 お茶の水本店のエントランス
Entrance to the Ryumeikan Hotel, Ochanomizu
(浜田) セインさん、コンシェルジュさん、ようこそ。龍名館の浜田敏男です。
Welcome! I’m Toshio Hamada, the president of Hotel Ryumeikan.
セインさん こんにちは。浜田さん。風格あふれるエントランスですね。お茶の水から神田にかけては、ここ数年で景色が一変して都会的な街並みになりましたが、その一画の風景を、龍名館さんが創っておられるんですね。
Hello, Mr. Hamada. This entrance has a lot of style. The area from Ochanomizu to Kanda has changed a lot in recent years and now looks like a downtown area with high-rise buildings, and the Ryumeikan stands among this scenery.
Is this where it was originally established?
(浜田) はい。龍名館は明治32年(1899)にここで創業しました。
Yes. The Ryumeikan was established here in 1899.
The first generation owner was the eldest son of the owner of the Naguraya Ryokan, which was built on the former location of Momokawa, a famous restaurant in Nihonbashi. However, his older sister adopted a child to take over the business, so a new hotel was built to expand the business, and that’s when the Ryumeikan was established.
At that time, it was a two-story wooden structure. They made a beautiful garden and spent a lot of money on the interior to give it an air of elegance, and it soon became a place where celebrities and socialites congregated. Shortly thereafter, the Gofukubashi and Sarugakucho branches were established.
However, during the time of the second generation, the three hotels all burned down in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. They managed to rebuild the hotels, but in 1945, the Gofukubashi hotel was once again burned down during the World War II air raids on Tokyo. The hotel is here now thanks to our predecessor’s hard work.

*Great Kanto Earthquake

*Air raids on Tokyo

セインさん 浜田さんで何代目になられるのですか?
What generation are you?
(浜田) 父が3代目で、昭和51年にこの本店を高層ビルに建て替え、そのあと兄が4代目を継ぎました。現在は兄が会長に、私が社長となって2人で努めていますので、2人合わせて4代目と考えています。
My father was the third generation, and in 1976, he rebuilt the flagship hotel as a skyscraper. After that, my older brother succeeded him as the fourth generation owner. Now, he’s the chairperson, and I’m the president, and we work together, so you could say that the two of us together are the fourth generation owners.

では、まず客室をご覧になりますか? 3年前にリニューアルし、全9室、すべて外国人向けのスィートルームとしています。
I’m the fifth generation. My father was the third, and in 1976, we rebuilt the flagship hotel as a skyscraper. Since then, my older brother and I have continued to run the establishment.
Maybe you’d like to see the rooms, now? We renovated the hotel three years ago and turned all nine rooms into suites for mainly foreign guests.

Interior of a guest room

Clay bath

みよちゃん 部屋の扉を開けたら玄関! 靴を脱ぐんですね。
When you open the door, there’s a genkan entrance! We need to take off our shoes, don’t we?
(浜田) ええ。このホテルのコンセプトは「学ぶホテル」。この宿に滞在することで、日本の文化に触れ、日本を感じながらくつろいでいただけたらと考えて創っています。
That’s right. The concept of this hotel is about experiencing culture. By staying at this hotel, you’ll be able to get a feel for authentic Japanese culture while relaxing.
First, take off your shoes here. The guest room is a mixture of Japanese and Western styles, so you’re able to feel the comfort of tatami mats. There’s also a special Japanese futon that provides all the comfort you expect, and a shoji paper-sliding door in front of the window. We’ve incorporated various aspects of Japanese culture for our guests.
セインさん 和と洋のデザインが調和していて、とても都会的ですね。
浴室もかっこいい! 浴槽は……これは何でできているのですか!?
The Japanese and Western design elements are in perfect balance.
It’s very urban. The bathroom is also really nice! Wait…How did you make this bathtub!?
(浜田) 信楽焼の陶製です。たっぷり湯を張ったこの湯舟につかると、身体が包み込まれるようで、とてもリラックスできると評判がいいんです。
It’s made out of Shigaraki clay. When you lie in the bathtub filled with hot water, you can completely immerse yourself in it, so our guests love how relaxing it is.
セインさん 超高級ホテルになっても、名旅館時代のもてなしの心が伝承されているんですね。
So even now as a luxury hotel, the heart of hospitality from the time it was a famous ryokan has been passed down.
(浜田) はい。もう木造当時の旅館の面影はありませんが、敷地内に昔からこの地にあった槐(えんじゅ)の木が、今も残っています。関東大震災の時には焼け焦げたそうですが、間もなく芽を出して、いまも元気です。
That’s true. The wooden structure of the past is now completely gone, but we still have the Sophora tree that was here long ago. During the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, it was burned, but it soon began to grow again, and it’s still alive and doing well today near the hotel entrance.

*Sophora tree
セインさん この宿を見守っているんですね。
So now it’s kind of guarding over the hotel, isn’t it?
By the way, did you start working here right after graduating college?
(浜田) 大学卒業後は銀行に勤め、10年間、営業の仕事をしていました。戻ったのは昭和60年。ホテルの仕事はサラリーマンとは働く時間がまったく違うので、まずそれにとまどいました。さらに、社員は全員、年上ですので、私が「朝礼をやる」と言っても誰も集まってくれません。
After graduating, I worked in sales at a bank for 10 years, but I made a return to the hotel in 1985. Hotel and bank employees work completely different hours, so at first I found that difficult. Moreover, because all the staff were older than me, I couldn’t even get everyone to come to the regular morning meetings.
セインさんみよちゃん (笑)それは大変ですね。
(laughs) That’s quite a difficult situation to be in.
(浜田) 本業ですから逃げられません。ともかく社員と話ができるようになろうと、まかないを一緒に食べることから始め、お酒が弱いのに飲みに誘ったり…。
It was my job, so it was what I had to do. I knew that I had to at least communicate with the staff, so I started eating meals with them, and even though I don’t drink much, I would invite them to go out for a drink now and then.
My dad took my mother’s surname when they got married, so he had it rougher than I did. He worked hard from morning until night, taking care of customers and staff alike, and if a problem arose, he’d discuss it with them and come up with the best plan of action.
In the ancient Seventeen Article Constitution of Prince Shotoku, there’s a short expression jowakaboku that means: When those above are harmonious and those below are friendly, and there is concord in discussions, right views spontaneously gain acceptance. The principal philosophy of our hotel is “harmony between people,” which we borrowed from this ancient constitution, and this is reflected in my father’s work.
*Seventeen Article Constitution
セインさん 浜田さんが社長になられたのはいつですか?
When did you become the president of the hotel?
(浜田) 父が亡くなって兄が社長になり、私が副社長になって10年程たった2005年のことです。兄に「社長になれ」と言われたのですが、私は副社長の方が責任が少ないので「やりたくない」と申しましたら「甘ったれるんじゃない」と叱られて、引き受けました。
When my dad died, my older brother became the president, and I became the vice-president for about 10 years until 2005. Then my brother told me to take over as president, but for me, it was a lighter responsibility to serve as vice-president. When I told him I didn’t want to be the president, he scolded me and told me to grow up, so I eventually became the president.
My brother became the chairperson while I became the president, and together we rebuilt the Gofukubashi branch under the name Hotel Ryumeikan Tokyo.
みよちゃん セインさん、あちらもJR東京駅や地下鉄日本橋駅から徒歩数分、最高のロケーションに建つ高級ホテルです。ミシュランガイドにも掲載されていますよ。
Thayne-san, that’s a luxury hotel in a prime location just minutes on foot from Tokyo Station and Nihonbashi Station. It’s even in the Michelin Guide!

(浜田) ホテル龍名館東京は135室と部屋数が多く、毎日、国内外からたくさんのお客様をお迎えしています。
We have 135 rooms at the Hotel Ryumeikan Tokyo, and every day we get both foreign and domestic guests.
セインさん すごいですね。
That’s wonderful.
What plans do you have for the future, Mr. Hamada?
(浜田) 10年後までに飲食店を5~10店舗、ホテルを2~3棟ほど増やしていきたいと思っています。そして、いつの日かヨーロッパにホテルが持てたらと。
Within 10 years, I’d like to establish five to ten more restaurants, and two or three more hotels. I’d also like to own a hotel in Europe someday.
セインさん すばらしい!
That’s would be great!
みよちゃん セインさん。龍名館は、レストランも評判です。この本店の1階にあるレストランでは「お茶」をテーマにした新しいコンセプトの和食がいただけるそうですよ。
Thayne-san, the restaurants in the Ryumeikan hotels also have great reputations. If you go to the first floor at the hotel in Ochanomizu, there’s a tea-themed restaurant that serves Japanese cuisine with a modern twist.
セインさん では、いまから行きましょう! そして、いつかここに宿泊して、あの湯船につかって、寝心地の良さそうなベッドでぐっすり眠りたいです。
Oh really? In that case, let’s go now! I’d also love to spend a night here someday. It would be great to get into that amazing bathtub, and those beds look so comfortable! I’m sure I’d sleep like a baby.
(浜田) お待ちしています!
We’ll be waiting for you!
セインさんみよちゃん 今日はありがとうございました。
Thank you for showing us around today.
お茶の水本店のレストラン「Green tea Restaurant 1899, Ochanomizu」
Restaurant at the hotel in Ochanomizu, Green tea Restaurant 1899 Ochanomizu
Hotel Ryumeikan Tokyo
Toshio Hamada, President
(文)太田美代 (英訳)デイビッド・A・セイン
■David Thayne(デイビッド・セイン)プロフィール thayne-photo1959年、米国生まれ。証券会社勤務を経て来日し、翻訳・通訳など多岐にわたって活躍。豊富な教授経験を生かし、数多くの英語関係書籍を執筆。近著に『日本人のチョットへんな英語』(アスコム)、『超入門シャドーイング』(主婦の友社)、日本人が使いすぎる英語(PHP文庫)など多数。 下町の魅力に魅了され、自身が代表を務める英語関連のコンテンツ会社のエートゥーゼットのオフィスを根津に構えている。英会話本の執筆をしながら、東京・文京区根津と春日にあるエートゥーゼット英語学校の校長も務める。 http://www.smartenglish.co.jp/
