Mamegen: An ever-evolving shop with 150 years of history that offers a delicious treat in Azabujuban.
みよちゃん セインさん、今日は麻布十番の「豆源」にやってきました。慶応元年(1865)の創業ですから、150年以上の歴史があるお店です。まずは、店内をのぞいてみましょう。
Concierge: Thayne-san, today we’re visiting Mamegen in Azabujuban. This shop was established in 1865, so it’s over 150 years old. Let’s take a look inside.
セインさん すごい種類の豆菓子ですね。「おとぼけ豆」「抹茶」「梅落花」「塩豆」……食べたことがあるものもたくさんあります。「モッツァレラアーモンド」や「コーヒーナッツ」は知らないなあ。おいしそう!
Thayne: There are so many different soybean snacks! I’ve tried some of them before, like otoboke, matcha, umerakka and salt. But I’ve never tried mozzarella almond or coffee nuts beans. They look delicious!
[Photo: Outside the Mamegen shop.]
[Photo: Inside the shop.]
(柴田) こんにちは、セインさん。豆源の柴田です。
Shibata: Hello, Thayne-san. I’m Shibata from Mamegen.
セインさん こんにちは、柴田さん。今日もお店はたくさんの人でにぎやかですね。
Thayne: Hello, Shibata-san. The shop certainly is busy today. What generation proprietor are you?
(柴田) 私で6代目です。屋台をひいて煎り豆を売り始めた初代・源兵衛が、やがてここに店を構えて以来、代々がずっとこの麻布十番で商売をしてきました。
Shibata: I’m the sixth generation. Since our founder Genbei started selling roasted soybeans from a cart and eventually set up shop, we’ve been trading here in the Azabujuban part of Tokyo.
I was also born and brought up here. Before this current building was built, there was a two-story wooden house, with living quarters on the second floor and the shop on the first. As children, we would help out by shelling the soybeans for fun near where they were roasted. We would eat meals with the shop staff and then play catch in front of the shop after it closed in the evenings.
[Photo:The old shop exterior. How the old shop used to look.]
セインさんみよちゃん おだやかに時間が流れる昭和の情景ですね。
Thayne/Concierge: That’s a peaceful Showa-era scene.
(柴田) おかげさまですくすく育って、高校・大学はラグビー漬けの毎日を送りました。
Shibata: I grew up quickly and spent my days at high school and university obsessed with rugby. But, when I was in my third year of university, my father passed away at the age of 52. There were four children, but I was the only son. The idea of succeeding my father in the family business after university quickly became a reality.
セインさん 老舗のご主人の多くは、大学を出たあと他の会社に入社して、いわゆる“社会を見て”から店を継ぐ人も多いですね。
Thayne:It seems that a lot of proprietors of old stores like this enter companies after university and “experience society” before coming back to take over their family stores.
(柴田) 私の場合も、そういうアドバイスをいただいたんですが、私がどこかの会社に入社することで不合格になる学生も出るわけですし、数年で辞める社員は会社にも迷惑をかけると考えてやめました。その代り、母に、1年間だけアメリカに行かせてくれと頼んで卒業後、アメリカに行ったんです。
Shibata:In my case too, I was given that advice. But entering a company would have meant another student losing their place to me, and I thought that it would be an inconvenience for the company if I started working somewhere only to quit after a few years, so I gave up the idea. Instead, I asked my mother for permission to go abroad for a year after graduation, and so I went off to America.
At first I lived with a host family in Seattle for three months and studied English, and then I borrowed a friend’s car and took off by myself across the continent. I visited some cities, but mostly I spent time in America’s national parks. Sitting on ground that stretched all the way to the horizon, gazing up at the stars… Once I finished my wandering, I came back to Japan. It was then that I resolved to take over the family business.
セインさん 23歳の若者が大きな決心をして帰国したんですね。
Thayne:What a determined decision to make at age 23!
How was the company doing at that time?
(柴田) バブルがはじけた後で、売上が低迷していた時代でした。父の時代に移転・新築した工場が安定操業できない状況でしたから。どうしたらいいのか必死で考えました。
Shibata:It was after the economic bubble burst, and our sales had gone down. The factory that we had relocated and newly built during my father’s time wasn’t in a very stable condition. I thought long and hard about what to do.
We planned to open branches in the major department stores with good locations.
セインさん それが、どんどん成功していった?
Thayne:Did that gradually become a success?
(柴田) いやいや、チャレンジすれば失敗もします。というよりも、失敗ばかりですよ。
Shibata:Not at all; if you challenge something you will also fail. In fact, we had many failures. For example, our branch at Skytree’s Solamachi Town was like that. When Skytree first opened, business was good, but the type of customer gradually changed and we weren’t able to sell snack foods as souvenirs any more. It’s a difficult thing.
セインさん そのほかに、自分で実際に店を経営するようになられて、気づいたことなどはありましたか?
Thayne:Aside from that, is there anything else you noticed after actually running a store yourself?
(柴田) この店を、より多くの人に知っていただくためにできることは何かと考え続けて、思いあたったのが、本店での実演です。
Shibata:I kept thinking if there was some way to make our shop more well known. What I came up with was our in-shop demonstrations.
Since Mamegen’s establishment, we have roasted our soybeans in-shop, and since my father’s time, we started doing our demonstrations of coating peanuts in molasses and frying okaki mochi. I realized the importance of these demonstrations.
[Photo:Okaki A fried okaki demonstration. A delicious smell wafted through the shop.]
[Photo:Nuts Coating peanuts with molasses. Two types were made, using white and brown sugar.]
みよちゃん 実演を見て、音を聞いて、香りを楽しんで、味見をして!
Concierge:You watch the demonstration, hear the sounds, enjoy the aroma and then taste the treats!
セインさん お店の商品を拝見すると、「モッツァレラアーモンド」などの新しい商品も目立ちますが、今、何種類ほどの豆菓子があるんですか?
Thayne:When I look around the shop, the new flavors like mozzarella almond stand out. How many different kinds do you have now?
(柴田) 50~60種類でしょうか。私が学生時代には20種類程でしたから、随分増えました。社員たちがアイデアを出してくれて生まれたヒット商品もたくさんあります。
Shibata:Around 50 or 60, I think. We had around 20 types when I was a student, so it’s increased a lot since then. Several products dreamed up by our staff have been big hits too.
みよちゃん 豆源の豆菓子の、一番の特徴は何ですか?
Concierge:What makes Mamegen’s products unique?
(柴田) 豆の外側にかける小麦粉の量が少ないことです。ですから、運搬などで壊れやすいという欠点があるのですが、食べた時の触感がいいんです。
Shibata:We only use a small amount of wheat flour to coat our beans. That means they can easily break during transportation, but they have a nice texture when you eat them.
セインさん 見かけは同じでも、味は違う。それをお客様はちゃんとわかって選ぶんですね。
Thayne:They look similar, but the taste is different. Your customers must also realize that when choosing. Looking ahead, how would you like to move forward with the shop?
(柴田) 会社をさらに大きくしようといったことは考えていません。ただ、この店をずっと続けていくことが、私の第一の使命だと思っています。変化をしながら、チャレンジしながら続けていこうと。
Shibata:I’m not really thinking of expanding the company. However, making sure this shop continues on is my number one mission. Continuing on while evolving and taking on challenges.
セインさん 柴田さんの次、7代目を継ごうという方は?
Thayne:Who will take over as the seventh generation proprietor?
(柴田) 長男が継いでくれるようです。ですから、そのうち私の役割は、次の主人と、社員たちを結び付け、助言するような役割になっていくのだろうと思っています。
Shibata:It seems like my oldest son will. I think that before long, my role will be to bring the next proprietor and our staff together and offer advice.
And one more thing. My father passed away at 52; however, he was very devoted to the Azabujuban area. Therefore, if someday there’s something I can do for this area or for society in general, I’d also like to pursue that
セインさんみよちゃん 豆源が、麻布十番で150年以上も続いてきたのは、そういう気持ちを代々のご主人が持っていたからかもしれませんね。今日はありがとうございました。
Thayne/Concierge: I imagine generations of Mamegen proprietors must have felt the same way for the shop to have operated for over 150 years in this area. Thank you very much for today.
[Photo:Commemorative photo]
(文)太田美代 (英訳)デイビッド・A・セイン
■David Thayne(デイビッド・セイン)プロフィール thayne-photo1959年、米国生まれ。証券会社勤務を経て来日し、翻訳・通訳など多岐にわたって活躍。豊富な教授経験を生かし、数多くの英語関係書籍を執筆。近著に『日本人のチョットへんな英語』(アスコム)、『超入門シャドーイング』(主婦の友社)、日本人が使いすぎる英語(PHP文庫)など多数。 下町の魅力に魅了され、自身が代表を務める英語関連のコンテンツ会社のエートゥーゼットのオフィスを根津に構えている。英会話本の執筆をしながら、東京・文京区根津と春日にあるエートゥーゼット英語学校の校長も務める。 http://www.smartenglish.co.jp/